Hey guys,
I'll be blogging about a very sensitive topic close to heart in the current and subsequent blog posts.
I've been plagued with acne since secondary school days. Fast forward 13 years, I was still having occasional acne outbreak but nothing as serious as a canvas full of cystic acne. I experimented with countless products that promised me clear, blemish-free and healthy looking skin. From dabbing my outbreaks with tea tree oil, Oxy-10, Neutrogena gel to concorting my own blend of homemade mask (Egg white, egg yolk, oatmeal with honey, yogurt etc.), nothing seems to solve my acne problem. I visited many dermatologist in Singapore throughout the years, and ALL of them prescribed me with very similar treatment solutions - either oral antibiotics, topical applications or Roaccutane (MOTHER of all acne medication) to suppress the acne. The effects were only temporary. My skin cleared up after a while, yet acne recurred after I've stopped these treatments.
Fighting acne is truly exhausting ... I'm not a bad person. It's not what I should have deserve ...
I've shed many tears about my acne skin that I felt I was the ugliest girl on earth ...
Caution: This post contains graphic images of a brutal acne face. All my bareface photos are in their original RAW state. No photo filters or edits have been made to them. You might want to sponsor me for a skin grafting surgery after looking at my photos. Reader discretion advised.
I'll be blogging about a very sensitive topic close to heart in the current and subsequent blog posts.
I've been plagued with acne since secondary school days. Fast forward 13 years, I was still having occasional acne outbreak but nothing as serious as a canvas full of cystic acne. I experimented with countless products that promised me clear, blemish-free and healthy looking skin. From dabbing my outbreaks with tea tree oil, Oxy-10, Neutrogena gel to concorting my own blend of homemade mask (Egg white, egg yolk, oatmeal with honey, yogurt etc.), nothing seems to solve my acne problem. I visited many dermatologist in Singapore throughout the years, and ALL of them prescribed me with very similar treatment solutions - either oral antibiotics, topical applications or Roaccutane (MOTHER of all acne medication) to suppress the acne. The effects were only temporary. My skin cleared up after a while, yet acne recurred after I've stopped these treatments.
Fighting acne is truly exhausting ... I'm not a bad person. It's not what I should have deserve ...
I've shed many tears about my acne skin that I felt I was the ugliest girl on earth ...
Caution: This post contains graphic images of a brutal acne face. All my bareface photos are in their original RAW state. No photo filters or edits have been made to them. You might want to sponsor me for a skin grafting surgery after looking at my photos. Reader discretion advised.