I will be blogging from my new domain from now on, so have fun navigating at the new website!
New blog post is up, so do check it out!
Thank you for your support all these while. ♥
WWW.SHERLENELIAN.COM I will be blogging from my new domain from now on, so have fun navigating at the new website! New blog post is up, so do check it out! Thank you for your support all these while. ♥ Love, Sher
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Hey peeps, apologies for the lack of updates since my Part I blog entry cos I've been swamped with work, and life in general. Nonetheless, I've been real diligent in keeping track of my skin condition after each treatment with The Clifford Clinic.
I've been receiving a number of queries via email and blog alike on my skin condition, so I reckon it's high time now for Part II of my acne treatment update. (: This blog entry will focus on my 2nd AGNES Treatment and 7 sessions of Q-switch laser treatments, so it's gonna be a lengthyyyyyyyyy post. Do pardon me should you find my post too image heavy, 'cos what's an acne recovery journey post without raw and untouched photos? Note: Photos below were not subjected to any forms of filter or spots editing, other than re-sizing and covering of eyes in some photos.
Hey guys,
I'll be blogging about a very sensitive topic close to heart in the current and subsequent blog posts. ACNE IS A CURSE. I've been plagued with acne since secondary school days. Fast forward 13 years, I was still having occasional acne outbreak but nothing as serious as a canvas full of cystic acne. I experimented with countless products that promised me clear, blemish-free and healthy looking skin. From dabbing my outbreaks with tea tree oil, Oxy-10, Neutrogena gel to concorting my own blend of homemade mask (Egg white, egg yolk, oatmeal with honey, yogurt etc.), nothing seems to solve my acne problem. I visited many dermatologist in Singapore throughout the years, and ALL of them prescribed me with very similar treatment solutions - either oral antibiotics, topical applications or Roaccutane (MOTHER of all acne medication) to suppress the acne. The effects were only temporary. My skin cleared up after a while, yet acne recurred after I've stopped these treatments. Fighting acne is truly exhausting ... I'm not a bad person. It's not what I should have deserve ... I've shed many tears about my acne skin that I felt I was the ugliest girl on earth ... Caution: This post contains graphic images of a brutal acne face. All my bareface photos are in their original RAW state. No photo filters or edits have been made to them. You might want to sponsor me for a skin grafting surgery after looking at my photos. Reader discretion advised.
It's been 20 days since I've been proposed to by my goatee man, right on his 30th birthday. I've shared news on my other social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook) but I would want to pen down a heartfelt blog entry on the entire proposal... It's a once in a lifetime event! Anyway, you guys are in luck! I'll share a little about our history before touching on the proposal portion. (: Some of you might have seen my recent updates on Facebook and Instagram, and yes, I'm engaged as of 13th July 2015!!!! Couldn't contain my joy and excitement as I embark on this lifelong journey with my other half. Will share more about the proposal in one of my upcoming posts.. (((:
Having returned to Singapore from Lombok, I was breaking out with a few minor bumps (what's new right?), and with dry and flaky skin around my chin area. My skin is that sensitive, perhaps more so than a razor mouse. As such, I'm extremely selective when it comes to choosing aesthetic clinic or beauty salon for my facial treatments. I had the privilege to be invited for NUA's Customized Signature Treatment last Saturday. |
Hello, welcome to my blog! I'm Sherlene, aka as Lian. I blog for yoga, fashion, food, beauty, lifestyle etc.